At both of the MEDCAP [Medical Civilian Assistance Program]

sites I've been to, I've noticed a peculiar thing. At the end of each of the days, the children would, perhaps understandably, go nuts. They would either storm into the site and try to play "touch the American" or "please take a picture with us" or crowd around the buses and try to get our autographs (crazy but true).
However, there would always be a man who did crowd control. He would have a very large stick, usually a large tree branch, and swing it at certain kids he decided were unruly enough to warrant such a punishment. It would be at random kids too, since almost all of them were almost out of control.
The best part was, this guy wasn't

associated with us. He didn't have security uniform or a volunteer t-shirt on. It was just some guy from the local town, who came by with a big stick and decided to start swinging. At another site, someone observed a woman fulfilling this role, only she was using a banana peel rather than a stick.
Maybe we should've hired the guy, hahah.
You know you're in an interesting place when its okay for a local man to run around trying to hit kids.

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