Here are some factoids I picked up along the way, just to give you a lay of the land and a perspective of where we are:
- Population: 6.7 million (largest, most populous single island nation in the Pacific)
- Port Moresby is the capital with 255,000 ppl
- Western 1/2 of island is part of indonesia, while Eastern half consists of PNG
- Government: Constitutional Parlimentary Democracy (previous British declared protectorate 1884, Australian administration 1906, Independence with ratified Constitution in 1975)
- Life Expectancy M-63.4, F-67.9
- Currency is PNG Kina (previously used shells for trade until 1933) which trades at ~2.5 Kina to $1 USD
- English is the official language of business and government, while Melanesian Pidgin (Tok Pisin), lingua franca, and Hiri Motu can be heard by locals. 57% literacy rate.
- One of the most culturally and linguistically diverse and heterogeneous ethnic nations in the world, with over 750 dialects and distinct tribal cultures and communities
- Main Ethnic Groups: Papuan means "frizzy haired", Melanesian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Foreign missionaries
- Common Tok Pisin Phrases: Hello-Gude; Thank you-Tenkyu; No-Nogat; Goodbye-Gutbai
- Religions: majority Christians, animism (attributing souls to animals, plants, phenomena, ancestor worship), up to 1930 headhunting and cannibalism
- Finances: $2,400 per capita income, mainly from farming, fishing, hunting/gathering, and tourism industries
- Diet: staples of starchy vegetables, wild greens, bananas, coconuts, mango, meats of fowl, pork, fish, turtles, and marsupials, tea at all times, Kai Bars (fast food stands becoming more popular as people become more sedentary)
- Kava Drinking (member of pepper family) medical or social pu
rposes (grounded, pounded, mixed with water (kavalactones concentrated in rootstock) for sociability, relaxation, & sleep. Is described as a sedative hypnotic.
- BeetleNut chewing is widespread here, considered a stimulant. The beetlenut is de-husked and the seed packed in the cheek. Calcium-carbonate powder is added to the mouth along with a Kava seed pod in order to add flavor and essentially “free base” the beetlenut for improved bioavailibity and speed of absorption. The mixing of these ingredients causes the mouth to turn bright red, the evidence which you can see just about anywhere as red spit marks. The use of beetlenut in men, women, and children for prolonged periods of time causes teeth decay and oral cancers which becomes a huge health problem.
- PNG has the highest HIV rate in the Pacific
- Traditions: Hand drum called "kundu", Ceremonial dancing "singsing", competitive feasting "fighting with food" between important men known as "big Men." Competitive gift giving is a form of symbolic warfare arising out of tribal one-upmanship with the goal of prestige by the "big man" to crush his rival with large gifts and impress onlookers with the brilliance of his oratory. Tattooing "Bilas", piercings, face painting, and skin scarring serves ceremonial and social purposes for initiation ceremonies.
- Superstitions: sorcery, black magic, traditional "witch doctors", one can achieve another's bravery and strength by eating that person's flesh, bones of the deceased are buried under the house for protection. Ancestral masks bring spirits of the deceased. Savi masks represent most powerful spirit, discouraging enemies. Tambaran carving houses powerful spirits, elaborate hooks or food hooks attract good spirits and keep food from spoiling. Do not give flowers in even numbers or 4, 7 , 9, and 13 as they are bad luck
- Clasping of hands is a widespread greeting.
- Polygamy with "big men" and only approx 10% of men.
- The "Pacific Way" is a general term referring to the behavior appropriate for pacific islanders, emphasizing shared cultural values.
Lukim Yu! (see you later),
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