Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Koki Village, PNG

Medcap to Koki village, my first trek into PNG. What nice people they have here. Everyone is very nice, appreciative, and giving. We were greeted with cheers, USA chants, and a seemingly endless line of smiling faces and waving hands. It was like driving through a gauntlet of people. We wound our way up to the top of the small hill to the church which was set on the top of a rocky purchase that dropped off into a small cliff down to the beach below where plenty of stilt houses stood. I worked side by side with the captain in charge of the sight, which was a great experience because I could curbside him with a quick question whenever one arose. Had my first real MRE today for lunch, and shared it with the translator. All in all it was a great day. At the end they gave us gifts of a hand knit bag and a shell necklace. This is why I came half way around the world, for this experience, to exchange handshakes with people from a different culture and do my best to help them as best as I can, getting a crying baby to smile, or maybe improving their lives on occasion.

Bon Voyage,

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